Let’s Talk about Babies
February 1989

“Let’s Talk about Babies,” Friend, Feb. 1989, 42

Let’s Talk about Babies

It was almost bedtime. Amy and Mom were rocking together in the big brown chair. Amy was tired, but she didn’t feel like sleeping. She wanted to know more about the new baby that was coming to live at her house.

Amy knew that the baby growing inside Mom would be born soon. “Let’s talk about the baby,” Amy said.

Mom smiled and hugged Amy. “Before the baby started growing inside me,” Mom explained, “it had only a spirit body, and it lived with Heavenly Father. When it is born, that spirit body will be inside the baby’s earthly body. The baby will be very small when it is born, and we won’t be able to see its spirit body, but it’s there just like ours that we can’t see.”

Mom hugged Amy again. “And you will soon be its big sister!”

Amy showed her hand to Mom. “My hands will be bigger than our new baby’s hands.”

“That’s right,” Mom said. “You are much bigger than our new baby will be. And did you know that babies don’t have pretty white teeth like you have?”

Amy’s tongue felt her strong teeth. “How do babies eat without teeth?” she asked.

“For a while, babies don’t need any teeth. At first they only drink milk.”

“I like milk, too,” Amy said. “Can the baby eat cheese and apples?”

“When the baby grows bigger, cheese and apples will be good for it,” Mom said, “but not until the baby’s teeth grow in its mouth.”

“Can the baby play with me?”

“At first the baby will be too small to play,” Mom answered. “But babies like to look at pretty toys and at people’s faces.”

“Then I can show the baby my blocks,” Amy said. “And I can talk to our baby and sing songs to it.” Amy thought for a minute. “Mom, will our baby be a boy or a girl?”

“We won’t know until the baby is born,” Mom replied.

“Can the baby talk to me?”

“Our baby won’t know how to talk when it is very tiny,” Mom said. “At first, it will only cry and make other sounds. It will cry when it’s hungry. It might cry when its diaper is wet. And sometimes it may cry when it just wants a hug.”

“Mom,” Amy said, “when our new baby cries, I’ll help it to feel better. Do babies cry when they’re tired?”

“Sometimes they do.”

“But big girls like me can talk,” Amy said. “So we don’t need to cry.” Amy stretched and yawned. “Big girls can say ‘I’m tired’ and just go to bed.”

“That’s right, Amy.”

“Mom,” Amy said, “I’m tired.”

So Mom and Amy went to Amy’s bedroom. After she had knelt and said her prayers, Amy climbed into bed. She felt cozy on her soft pillow and under her warm blanket.

Mom kissed her good night. “I love you, Amy.”

“I love you, too, Mom,” Amy said. “And I will love our new baby.”

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
