undefined undefined Zachary’s Star
Zachary’s Star
December 1989

“Zachary’s Star,” Friend, Dec. 1989, 15

Zachary’s Star

Zachary found the shiny star the Sunday before Christmas. He asked Mommy. “Where does it go?”

“I think I know,” she said. “You see if you can find where it belongs.”

Zachary looked at the Christmas tree, but the star at the top was still there. “Do you know where this star goes?” he asked Daddy.

“I think I know,” Daddy said. “You see if you can find where it belongs.”

Zachary looked at Mommy’s ears, then said to himself, “It’s too big to be one of Mommy’s earrings.”

He asked his big brother, Keith, “Do you know where this star goes?”

“I think I know,” Keith told him. “You see if you can find where it belongs.”

“OK,” Zachary said. He closed his eyes tightly and thought. But he couldn’t think where the star belonged. He went to play with the nativity scene while he waited for family home evening to start. As he tried to stand the angel on top of the stable, he had an idea.

When family home evening started, Daddy asked, “Who has something to share with us?”

“I do,” said Zachary. He put the star on top of the stable in the nativity scene. “Here is where the star goes—above Baby Jesus.”