The Prince of Peace
December 1989

“The Prince of Peace,” Friend, Dec. 1989, inside front cover

The Prince of Peace

If I’d have been a shepherd boy

And heard the angels sing,

Then I’d have known the message

Of glad tidings that they’d bring.

Or if I’d been a Nephite

In another land afar

I’d still have known of Jesus’ birth,

’Cause I’d have seen the star.

I think of how the wise men

Must have pondered on their way

About the Babe they hoped to see

In Bethlehem one day.

Or if I’d been the innkeeper,

How glad I’d have felt inside

To know I’d shared my stable

That holy Christmastide.

I’m grateful for the scriptures,

Where I can read about

How the angels sang for shepherds—

Hosannas they did shout.

And very often when I’ve read

The scriptures, I have smiled

To realize the Prince of Peace

Was once a little child.

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney
