Things Grow Legs in Our House
January 1990

“Things Grow Legs in Our House,” Friend, Jan. 1990, 7

Things Grow Legs in Our House

Things grow legs in our house.

Why, just the other day

My mom was telling Dad his book

Just must have walked away!

And my big sister, Jenny,

Had a comb and two barrettes;

She’s looked for them most everywhere

But hasn’t found them yet.

And Chip has lost his favorite bone.

He left it on the floor.

No one has asked me, but I’ll bet

It walked right out the door.

Dad says that pens and pencils are

The things that grow legs first.

Then after that it’s stockings and

The keys in my mom’s purse.

My brother, Ben, has lost his cap

And both his football shoes.

With all the things we lose ’round here,

I sure wish that I knew

Just how those things can grow those legs

And how they disappear.

Until I do, we’ll probably

Keep losing things, I fear.

So if you come to my house,

Be careful what you do,

Or the bed that’s in our guest room might

Just walk right off with you!

Illustrated by Doug Roy
