“The Baby Jesus,” Friend, Dec. 1990, 12–13
The Baby Jesus
1. In Bethlehem so long ago the Baby Jesus was born.
A stable was His earthly home on that first Christmas morn.
And angels told the shepherds of Baby Jesus’ birth, sang,
“Glory to God on high and peace to men on earth.”
2. The shepherds said, “Let us go to see what thing has come to pass,
for angels said the Son of God has come to earth at last.”
They came with haste and found the Babe just as the angels said—the
little Lord Jesus, a manger for his bed.
3. We love you, Baby Jesus. You taught us how to live
and how to love each other; You taught us how to give.
And as the angels sang that night, we’ll praise our Father above,
give thanks for such a wondrous gift and for our Savior’s love.
Copyright © 1990 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church of home use. This notice must appear on each copy made.

Illustrated by Jeanette Andrews