If You’re Warm, You’re Getting Closer
December 1992

“If You’re Warm, You’re Getting Closer,” Friend, Dec. 1992, 34–35

If You’re Warm, You’re Getting Closer

Charity is the pure love of Christ (Moro. 7:47).

“What are we going to do now?” asked Danny as Mom put a batch of cinnamon rolls into the oven.

Before Mom could answer, Elizabeth asked, “Mom, when will Christmas be here? I want to open my presents.”

Mom sighed as she shut the oven door and set the timer. “There’s a lot we can do, Danny, and, Elizabeth, there’s much, much more to Christmas than opening presents.” She sat down. “Let’s see—how about a game?”

The children nodded enthusiastically.

“Elizabeth, I want you to get Baby Jesus from the nativity set in the family room.”

Elizabeth ran into the family room. She quickly came back with Baby Jesus.

“Now, Danny, close your eyes while Elizabeth hides the Baby Jesus. She’ll tell you when you can open them. Then you look for Him. If you’re far away, she’ll say you’re cold or colder. But if you’re getting closer to the hiding place, she’ll say you’re warm or warmer. Do you understand?” When Danny nodded, Mom said, “All right, close your eyes, Danny.”

Danny put his hands over his eyes. Elizabeth quickly put the Baby Jesus on the music stand of the piano. She looked at Mom and silently mouthed, “Is that OK?”

Mom smiled and nodded.

Elizabeth moved back next to Mom. “You can open your eyes now, Danny.”

Danny uncovered his eyes and took several steps toward the couch.

“You’re cold,” said Elizabeth.

“Colder,” Danny heard as he looked under the end table. “Colder. Oh, Danny, you’re as cold as you can get over there by the fireplace!” declared Elizabeth.

Danny slumped his shoulders in frustration and said, “I don’t like this game.”

“Don’t give up,” urged Mom. “Now that you know where the Baby Jesus isn’t, you should have a better idea about where He is.”

Danny thought a minute, then did an about-face.

Elizabeth cheered, “Hooray! You’re getting warmer.”

Then, instead of looking down, Danny looked up at the piano. He smiled and stood tall as he walked toward the piano.

“Warm, warmer, warmest!” declared Elizabeth as he reached out his hand and picked up Baby Jesus.

“Danny wins the game!” announced Mom.

Danny had a great big grin on his face, and Elizabeth had one too. Mom gathered them both in her arms and explained. “You see, the real purpose of Christmas is like our little game. It’s to try to get closer to Jesus. When we do, we feel warm. If you get that good, warm feeling, the Spirit is telling you that you’re doing the kinds of things that Jesus would like.”


“The cinnamon rolls are done,” shouted Elizabeth and Danny.

“Why don’t you two put on your coats while I frost the rolls? Then you can deliver some to Mrs. Simms while they’re still hot.”

Elizabeth and Danny rushed into the house after delivering the rolls. “Mom! Mom! Mrs. Simms was so happy to get the rolls that she had tears in her eyes!” reported Danny.

“I think Jesus liked us giving her the rolls, because I feel warm inside,” said Elizabeth. “And if you’re warm, you’re getting closer.”

Note: For a family home evening activity, after you have completed According to Luke on page 37, cut out the Baby Jesus figure, mount it on heavy paper, then use it to play the game described in this story.
