Job for Jimmy
September 1993

“Job for Jimmy,” Friend, Sept. 1993, 16

Job for Jimmy

Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will (D&C 58:27).

Jimmy came in from playing ball and found his big sister typing at her desk. “What are you doing, Laura?”

“I’m typing my résumé,” his sister replied.

“What’s a résumé?”

“It’s a list of the things I know how to do. I’m going to send it to people who might want to give me a job.”

“Why are you looking for a job?” Jimmy asked.

“Because I’ll soon be going to college and I want to earn as much money for it as I can,” Laura answered, pulling her finished résumé out of the typewriter.

“Can I make a résumé too?” Jimmy asked.

Laura smiled. “Of course you can!” She dug through the desk drawers and pulled out some crayons and paper. “Here, Jimmy. Since you can’t write yet, why don’t you draw some jobs you can do around the house.”

“OK.” Jimmy knew he could do a good job on his résumé. He pulled up a chair beside his sister and began to draw and color. When he was done, he had five pictures. “I’m ready for you to see my résumé!” He climbed onto her lap.

“What beautiful pictures!” Laura said, looking carefully at each one.

“Will you help me write the name of the job on each picture?”

“OK. What does this first picture say?”

“This is me washing Spot,” Jimmy explained.

Laura wrote below the picture, “Jimmy can wash Spot the dog.” When she read the title to Jimmy, he smiled.

Jimmy’s sister flipped to the second picture.

“This is me dusting the furniture,” Jimmy said with a big grin.

Laura wrote below the picture, “Jimmy can dust.”

Jimmy flipped to the third page. “I can dry the dishes,” he said happily.

Below the third picture, Laura wrote, “Jimmy can dry the dishes.”

Jimmy eagerly flipped to the fourth page. This picture was divided into halves. “This part shows me raking leaves,” Jimmy explained with a big smile. “The other part shows me shoveling snow.”

“Oh, this is the best picture yet, Jimmy! I really like the snowflakes and the colored leaves.” Laura wrote, “Jimmy can rake leaves and shovel snow” under the picture. “So far this is a great résumé—I’m proud of it.”

“Thanks, Laura! I’m real proud of it, too,” Jimmy said as he flipped to the final page. “This picture says I can take out the trash.”

“That’s wonderful, Jimmy. Now I’m going to write the last title for your résumé.” She picked up her pen and wrote, “Jimmy can take out the trash.” She laughed. “Jimmy, you’re hired! You’re going to be a big help here when I get a job. I’m very proud of you!”

Illustrated by Alex Mack, age 5
