Bible Books
February 1994

“Bible Books,” Friend, Feb. 1994, 38

Bible Books

Using each letter of the alphabet just once, fill in the missing letter in these Bible books. Cross out the letters as you use them. The first one has been done for you.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


Ezek __ el

Haba __ kuk

__ onah

J __ shua

E __ ra

Sa __ uel

Prove __ bs

Da __ iel

Matthe __

Hag __ ai

( __ ueen) Esther

Ho __ ea

O __ adiah

G __ nesis

Deuteronom __

Le __ iticus

__ mos

Ju __ ges

Joe __

Ru __ h

__ salms

N __ mbers

E __ odus

Mi __ ah

__ irst Kings

All but one of these books are found in the Old Testament. Which is the New Testament book? ________________________


  • Nahum, Jonah, Samuel, Matthew, Hosea, Deuteronomy, Judges, Psalms, Micah, Ezekial, Joshua, Proverbs, Haggai, Obadiah, Leviticus, Joel, Numbers, First Kings, Habakkuk, Ezra, Daniel, (Queen) Esther, Genesis, Amos, Ruth, Exodus; Matthew.
