Presidents Month
February 1994

“Presidents Month,” Friend, Feb. 1994, 23

Presidents Month

In the United States, the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are celebrated in February. Each item below is associated with one of these two great men. Write an L by those that apply to Abraham Lincoln, and a W by those that apply to George Washington.

__ 1. Public surveyor

__ 11. Lawyer

__ 2. Stovepipe hat

__ 12. Wig

__ 3. Mount Vernon

__ 13. Constitutional Convention

__ 4. Log cabin

__ 14, Beard

__ 5. Gettysburg Address

__ 15. Kentucky

__ 6. February 12, 1809

__ 16. Martha Custis

__ 7. Delaware River

__ 17. Yorktown

__ 8. First Continental Congress

__ 18. Mary Todd

__ 9. Rail fence

__ 19. Emancipation Proclamation

__ 10. “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen” (Henry Lee)

__ 20. February 22, 1732


  • (1) W, (2) L, (3) W, (4) L, (5) L, (6) L, (7) W, (8) W, (9) L, (10) W, (11) L, (12) W, (13) W, (14) L, (15) L, (16) W, (17) W, (18) L, (19) L, (20) W.
