My Dad
June 1995

“My Dad,” Friend, June 1995, 30–31

My Dad

A wise son maketh a glad father (Prov. 10:1).

My dad and I are good buddies. We like the same things, and we like to do them together. Dad is good at just about everything, but what he’s best at is being my dad!

He drives a big rig for a food company, making deliveries to restaurants. I like to climb into the cab and pretend I’m the driver. Dad always blows the horn for me. He says he likes his job because he enjoys being outdoors. I like the outdoors too. When I grow up, I think I’ll be a truck driver like Dad.

We both like to play baseball. I’m on a T-ball team, and Dad plays softball for his company team. Every evening we practice together. Dad gives me great tips on how to play better. I want to play as well as he does.

My dad is good with his hands. He likes to fix things. He likes to work on the car or my bike or the lawn mower. He does a good job. I like to help him out. Sometimes I just hand him his tools, and sometimes I get to tighten things myself. He tells me the names of all the different parts of the car. He says I’m a fast learner!

Dad is teaching me how to build things. His dad is a carpenter and taught him to build lots of different things. Dad made new cupboards for the kitchen. Mom was very happy. He made a toy box for my room and a rocking horse for my little sister. Now he’s helping me make a birdhouse. He tells me stories about Jesus while we make things. Jesus was a carpenter too.

My dad and I like to help Mom. Dad says she’s a real trooper and that she always thinks of us before she thinks of herself. So we try to think of things we can do for her. I like to take her pictures I drew at school. They’re her favorites. And I always try to do my chores before I play.

Dad helps Mom by taking care of me and my little sister so she can do her visiting teaching. And once a week he takes her on a date. When she’s all dressed up for their date, she’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen!

My dad holds the priesthood, and when someone is sick, he can give that person a blessing. And once when I was nervous about being in a school program, he gave me a father’s blessing. I felt better.

I love my dad very much, and I know that he loves me. My favorite times are the ones that we spend together. When I need him, all I have to do is call him. He’s a great pal and a great teacher and a great dad!

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki
