undefined undefined Prophets ABC
Prophets ABC
June 1995

“Prophets ABC,” Friend, June 1995, 11

Prophets ABC

Some of these blanks will be easy to fill in; some will be difficult. If you look up the references, most of these subjects can be used for talks or for family home evening lessons.

  • A __ __ __ __ __ __ was a Book of Mormon prophet who testified to King Noah. (See Mosiah 13:5–6, 27–28, 33–35; Mosiah 15:1–2, 7, 20; Mosiah 16:1, 14–15.)

  • B __ __ __ __ __ __ __ was the prophet-king who taught his people from a tower. (See Mosiah 2:7–4:30.)

  • The Lord spoke to the prophet Elijah in a still small voice while he hid in a c __ __ __ on Mt. Horeb. (See 1 Kgs. 19:9, heading.)

  • D __ __ __ __ __ was a prophet who was thrown into a den of lions. (See Dan. 6.)

  • The city of the prophet E __ __ __ __ was so righteous that it was taken up into heaven. (See Moses 7:19–21.)

  • According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the first principle of the gospel is “F __ __ __ __ in the Lord Jesus Christ.” (See A of F 1:4.)

  • A friend and adviser of King David, the prophet and seer G __ __ helped arrange for music in the house of the Lord. (See 2 Chr. 29:25.)

  • President H __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is the prophet who receives revelation for the Church today.

  • The Lord asked the prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son I __ __ __ __. (See Gen. 32:24–30.)

  • J __ __ __ __ was a prophet whose name was changed to Israel. (See Gen. 32:24–30.)

  • While still a boy, David was anointed to be k __ __ __ by the prophet Samuel. (See 1 Sam. 16:1–13.)

  • Because of a vision, the prophet L __ __ __ left Jerusalem and took his family across the ocean. (See 1 Ne. 2:1–5; 1 Ne. 17:1, 6–8; 1 Ne. 18:4–6, 23.)

  • M __ __ __ __ __ __ prophesied that in the latter-days Elijah would “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.” (See Mal. 4:5–6.)

  • N __ __ __ __ was a Book of Mormon prophet who went back to Jerusalem for the brass plates of Laban and who built a boat under the Lord’s direction. (See 1 Ne. 3–4; 1 Ne. 17:heading.)

  • Abraham, Elisha, Moses, Nathan, and Adam were all prophets in the O __ __ Testament.

  • The prophet Moses was raised by the daughter of P __ __ __ __ __ __. (See Ex. 2:1–10.)

  • The Lord provided q __ __ __ __ for the Israelites in the wilderness after the prayers of the prophet Moses. (See Ex. 16:9–13.)

  • As a sign of his promise to the prophet Noah that he would never again destroy the earth by flooding, the Lord put a r __ __ __ __ __ __ in the sky. (See Gen. 6:5, 13–22; Gen. 7:7–24; Gen. 8; Gen. 9:8–17.)

  • S __ __ __ __ __ the Lamanite was a prophet who prophesied to Book of Mormon peoples about the birth and death of Christ. (See Hel. 14.)

  • The third President of the Church, John T __ __ __ __ __, wrote about the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. (See D&C 135.)

  • The prophet Abraham was born in U __ of Chaldea. (See Gen. 11:28, 31; Gen. 17:1–5.)

  • The Prophet Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son in a v __ __ __ __ __. (See JS—H 1:3–20.)

  • The W __ __ __ of W __ __ __ __ __ was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith with the promise that if the Saints would obey it, they would have health and wisdom and other blessings. (See D&C 89.)

  • Brigham Y __ __ __ __, the second President of the Church, was given a revelation about the Saints’ trek to the west. (See D&C 136.)

  • Z __ __ __ __ __ and Z __ __ __ __ were two Israelite prophets spoken of by Nephi and others in the Book of Mormon; they prophesied about the death of Christ and about other things. (See 1 Ne. 19:10–13; 3 Ne. 10:14–16.)


  • Abinadi, Benjamin, cave, Daniel, Enoch, Faith, Gad, Hinckley, Isaac, Jacob, king, Lehi, Malachi, Nephi, Old, Pharaoh, quail, rainbow, Samuel, Taylor, Ur, vision, Word of Wisdom, [there is no X], Young, Zenock and Zenos.