Sharing Time: Priesthood Blessings
June 1995

“Sharing Time: Priesthood Blessings,” Friend, June 1995, 36

Sharing Time:

Priesthood Blessings

I Believe That the Priesthood Blesses My Life

We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof (A of F 1:5).

Tetsuko lived by a high mountain in Japan. She was going to school for the first time. Excited, she dressed quickly in her new school uniform. Then she began to feel sick, and she didn’t feel like eating breakfast.

Okasan (Mother) asked, “Do you feel sick, Tetsuko?”

“Yes. My stomach hurts, and I don’t think I will be able to go to school today.” She started to cry.

Otosan (Father) took her hand in his and said, “I think I know what might be wrong with you. This is your first day of school. You will be away from home all day, and you don’t know what to expect. I had the same feeling when I started my job. Would you like me to give you a special father’s blessing?”

Tetsuko nodded.

Otosan placed his hands upon her head and gave her a blessing. He thanked Heavenly Father for her and for the happiness she brought them. He blessed her to feel better, to not be afraid, and to feel peace in her heart.

Tetsuko left for school. That afternoon she ran into the house, calling “Okasan! Okasan! I’m home. It was fun at school. My teacher is nice, and I met some new friends.”

Her mother pulled her close and said, “I’m happy you had such a good day and that Otosan was able to give you a special blessing.”

Our Heavenly Father gave his authority to certain men so that his work could be done. It is called the priesthood. Priesthood means the power and authority to act for our Heavenly Father.

How would things be different if we didn’t have the priesthood? The Church would not have been organized, no one could be baptized or receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, no one could receive the blessings of the temple, and no one could return to live with Heavenly Father. Through the priesthood, all of Heavenly Father’s children can be blessed.

Instructions: Carefully remove page 37 and mount it on lightweight cardboard. Color the flannel board figures, cut them out, and glue a small piece of flannel or sand paper on the back of each. Using a flannel board, share the story of Tetsuko with your family and friends during a family home evening. Talk about the priesthood authority that Tetsuko’s father used to bless her.

Paper cut outs

Illustrated by Phyllis Luch

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Find pictures in the meetinghouse library or Church magazines that show priesthood ordinances (for example, a baby being blessed, someone being baptized, the sacrament being administered). Give a picture to each class and have them discuss the priesthood ordinance shown and how it blesses them. Have each class stand, show their picture, and share their thoughts.

  2. Ask the children how the priesthood can bless their families. Write on the chalkboard the things they say. Talk about how families are blessed whn Lofgreen, “Sharing Time: Priesthood Blessings,” Friend, June 1995, 36
    2. Ask the children how the priesthood can bless their families. Write on the chalkboard the things they say. Talk about how families are blessed when a father, brother, grandfather, uncle, or friend holds the priesthood.

  3. Have the bishop or branch president discuss with the children the process that is followed in calling a person to serve in a church position such as that of a Primary teacher. Discuss the importance of the calling and setting apart of a person. During the year, if a new Primary teacher is called—and the bishop feels it is appropriate—invite the children to attend when the teacher is set apart.

  4. Discuss the responsibilities and duties of deacons, teachers, and priests. Help the children determine how Aaronic Priesthood holders can bless others in the family (being a kind brother, going to church and fulfilling priesthood assignments, gathering fast offerings, and so forth).

  5. Recite the fifth article of faith and discuss the words and their meanings. Sing “The Priesthood Is Restored,” “A Young Man Prepared,” and “Love Is Spoken Here” (Children’s Songbook, pages 89, 166, and 190, respectively). Talk about the message of each song and how it relates to the fifth article of faith.

  6. Have children draw a picture to illustrate the following terms to add to their “My Articles of Faith Word Book” (see Sharing Time, January 1994, page 36): priesthood—the power and authority to act for our Heavenly Father; authority—the right to use or give power; laying on of hands—part of the ordinance when a priesthood blessing is given.
