Geographic Nicknames
July 1996

“Geographic Nicknames,” Friend, July 1996, 43

Geographic Nicknames

Match each country, continent, or other land area with its nickname.

1. Australia

a. The Gift of the Nile

2. Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg

b. Land of Opportunity

3. Cuba

c. Rooftop of the World

4. Egypt

d. Land of the Rising Sun

5. Ireland

e. The Emerald Isle

6. Japan

f. The Low Countries

7. Norway

g. The Land Down Under

8. Tibet

h. Pearl of the Antilles

9. United States

i. Land of the Midnight Sun


  • (1) g, (2) f, (3) h, (4) a, (5) e, (6) d, (7) i, (8) c, (9) b.
