When You Go to the Zoo
June 1997

“When You Go to the Zoo,” Friend, June 1997, 47

When You Go to the Zoo

What do you do when you go to the zoo?

Do you hippity-hop like a gray kangaroo?

Do you roar like a big hairy lion would do?

Is that what you do when you go to the zoo?

What do you do when you go to the zoo?

Do you say to the elephant, “How do you do?”

Do you watch all the monkeys while they’re watching you?

Is that what you do when you go to the zoo?

What do you do when you go to the zoo?

Do you count if the camel has one hump or two?

Do you find the giraffe and see how tall he grew?

There’s so much to do when you go to the zoo!

Illustrated by Mark Robison
