Good Books for Little Friends
June 1997

“Good Books for Little Friends,” Friend, June 1997, 21

Good Books for Little Friends

Papa’s Bedtime Story by Mary Lee Donovan This mirror-in-a-mirror story in which each creature-papa tells the same bedtime story to his child, will delight children as well as help to settle them down to sleep.

The Garden in the City by Gerda Muller When Caroline and Ben’s family move to the city, they decide to each have a garden. They make a new friend, Luke, who has a garden too. Lots of good pictures and information on how to garden and where seeds come from, a recipe, a game, and a craft are included.

What Kind of Baby-Sitter Is This? by Dolores Johnson Kevin was sure this new baby-sitter would be like all the rest—“painting her toenails, talking on the telephone, and eating the good stuff in the refrigerator.” He begged his mother to take him with her, even though the sitter said that they’d be “just fine.” And they were—Lovey Pritchard was a very different kind of baby-sitter!

Mandy by Barbara Booth Mandy figured that if leaves made noise under her feet and when the wind blew them, branches must make loud noises—and that geese honked like cars. When she and Grandma walked through the woods, there were never any other people there—was it because it was too noisy? Though she can’t read people’s lips or signs or hear them coming up behind her when it’s dark, Mandy is courageous and goes into the woods one night to find something precious for her grandmother.

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
