Childviews—Your Pioneer Art: Pioneer Lady Missionary
November 1997

“Childviews—Your Pioneer Art: Pioneer Lady Missionary,” Friend, Nov. 1997, 47

Your Pioneer Art:
Pioneer Lady Missionary

This is a picture of my great-great-great-grandma, Louisa Barnes Pratt, when she was on a mission in Tubuai, an island south of Tahiti. She was there from October 1850 to April 1852. She was a great pioneer because she was one of the first women in the Church to go on a mission. She and her children went to Tubuai with her husband, Addison Pratt, on one of his missions. During her whole life she was very courageous. She had to cross the plains with the Saints all by herself because Addison was on a mission then. During that time, she got scurvy and lost her two front teeth.

Child art

Illustrated by J. Jefferson Hunt
