Missionary Dinner
November 1997

“Missionary Dinner,” Friend, Nov. 1997, 5

Missionary Dinner

Twelve words, all having to do with wonderful things in nature, are hiding in this silly little story about two hungry missionaries who will eat just about anything. Can you find animal, field, fish, flower, hill, moon, river, sea, sky, star, sun, and tree?

  1. Tonight the missionaries came for dinner. The dog barked when they rang the

  2. doorbell.

  3. “Stop that barking, Fifi!” my brother, Malcolm said. He opened the door, still

  4. muttering, “Honestly, that dog thinks she’s human! I, Malcolm the Magnificent,” he

  5. said to the elders, “welcome you to our splendid meal tonight.”

  6. “Hello, young men. Come in out of that chilly air,” Uncle Otto said. “Pay no atten-

  7. tion to Fifi, Elder Brown. A bark and a sniff is her way of saying hi.”

  8. My sister, Ernestine, came in with a tray of burnt little sausages and dried-up

  9. vegetables. “First are the appetizers!” she said proudly. The elders ate them up.

  10. “Now, everyone,” Mom said, “please allow the elders to sit down at the table.”

  11. “Even though I’ve seen the main course, I don’t know exactly what tonight’s

  12. entree is. Mom likes unusual things,” Malcolm said.

  13. “Especially when the missionaries come!” I added.

  14. “Yes, this should be fun,” Uncle Otto said. “I think I heard a moo now and then in

  15. the kitchen this afternoon.”

  16. The elders laughed.

  17. When my sister brought out the dessert, she tripped and the lime gelatin splatted

  18. across the table.

  19. “Look at that green goo flow, Ernestine!” Uncle Otto chuckled. “May I ask you for

  20. that recipe?”

  21. By the time the elders left, not a bite of food was left. Elder Gomez said, “This was

  22. the best meal we’ve had this month so far! I very much hope that you’ll invite us

  23. again soon.”


  • The number refers to the line in which the words appear—4 human! I Malcolm; 6 chilly; 7 Fifi, Elder; 7 sniff is her; 9 “First are; 10 please allow; 12 entree; 12 likes, unusual; 14 moo now; 19 flow Ernestine; 19 ask you; 22 far! I very.
