Spring Colors
May 2000

“Spring Colors,” Friend, May 2000, 32

Spring Colors

(Color each illustrated item the same color mentioned in the poem.)

Spring is here! See the burst of colors everywhere. Spring is budding, blooming, booming all around.

Yellow is here! See the sun shining brightly on buttercups and daffodils. See the duckling swimming in the pond.

Red is here! See the tulips growing straight and tall. See the cardinals at the bird feeder.

Blue is here! Take a peek at the robin’s eggs in a nest. See the bluebirds flying in the sky.

Green is here! See the leaves and grass, new buds, and new plants everywhere. See the toad sitting on the lily pad.

Brown is here! The groundhog is out of his hole. And the bear is up from his long winter’s nap. The rain pours on the ground, and there are lots of mud puddles.

White is here! See the bunnies hopping and nibbling lilies under fluffy white clouds.

Orange is here! Carrots are being planted after the rain. Butterflies are flying. See the sunset.

Black is here! Night comes later, and baby skunks are born.

Purple is here! Lilacs and violets and irises are waiting to be picked for a spring bouquet.

Spring colors are bursting everywhere.

Coloring pages

Illustrated by Elise Black
