Strengthen the Family
May 2000

“Strengthen the Family,” Friend, May 2000, 45

Strengthen the Family

This “Strengthen the Family” activity can be used by your family as a reminder of some things that can be done to make your family stronger. Hang the finished reminder on the refrigerator door, or wherever it will adhere, and rotate the quotations each month. You may want to use the scripture as the theme for a family home evening each month.

To make this reminder, you will need: scissors, a 3″ x 4″ (8 cm x 10 cm) piece of lightweight cardboard or heavy construction paper, markers, a black pen or felt-tip marker, glue, one clothespin, and a small magnet.

  1. Cut out the scripture cards.

  2. Copy the pattern of the house onto the cardboard or construction paper, cut it out, color it with the markers, and write “Strengthen the Family” on it with the black pen or marker.

  3. Glue the house to the top of the clothespin (see illustration).

    Scripture cards
  4. Glue a small magnet to the back of the clothespin.

  5. Clip the cards in the clothespin in any order you choose.

  6. Make additional cards, if you wish, using your family’s favorite scriptures.

Ye will not suffer your children that they go hungry, or naked; neither will ye suffer that they transgress the laws of God, and fight and quarrel one with another
(Mosiah 4:14).

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
Honour thy father and mother.
(Eph. 6:1–2.)

Their husbands love their wives, and their wives love their husbands; and their husbands and their wives love their children
(Jacob 3:7).

Keep the Commandments
Inasmuch as ye will keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land.
(Jarom 1:9).

Family Prayer
Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening
(Alma 34:21).

And they did impart of their substance, every man according to that which he had, to the poor, and the needy, and the sick, and the afflicted
(Alma 1:27).

Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you
(Eph. 4:32).

Families Are Forever
The Prophet Elijah was to plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to their fathers,
Foreshadowing … the sealing of the children to their parents.
(D&C 138:47–48.)

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me
(Matt. 25:40).

Scripture Study
Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do
(2 Ne. 32:3).

Family Home Evening
Where two or three are gathered together in my name, … behold, there will I be in the midst of them.
(D&C 6:32).

Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.
(D&C 88:119).
