Guide to the Friend
July 2001

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, July 2001, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for July is: The true Church of Jesus Christ was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Family Home Evening Ideas

If your parents ask you to help plan a family home evening, you may want to use an idea from the Friend. Here are some ideas in this issue that you may like (look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned):

  1. Tell the story “Farewell, Nauvoo” (pages 4–7). Talk about some of the sacrifices you are asked to make today for the gospel. Resolve to be stalwart pioneers!

  2. Read “The Important Blessings” (pages 8–9). List some of the blessings that Elder Carl B. Pratt talks about. Circle the ones he says are most important and talk about why you think he chose them. Make a list of some of your blessings and thank Father in Heaven for them.

  3. Make the figures and use them and a box to help tell the story “Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration” (pages 14–15), or use the finger puppets in “Joseph Smith Finger Scenes” (pages 32–33) to tell the story. Invite family members to bear testimony of the Prophet, then read President Lorenzo Snow’s testimony (page 17).

  4. Do the “President Brigham Young Crossword” (page 23), then read “Brigham Young Leads Bravely” (pages 36–37). Make everyone a copy of the “Pioneer Covered Wagon” pattern (pages 24–25), and have them make a wagon. Read “Song of a Pioneer Boy” (page 27) as you line the wagons up. Look at them often this month to remind you of the trek west that President Brigham Young led.

  5. Ask a brother or sister to tell the story “A Day for Jesus” (pages 30–31). Then pass out copies of “Sacrament” (page 43) to do.

  6. Ask your dad or an older brother to teach you about “The Power and Authority of God” (pages 44–45), using the activity to illustrate.

  7. Make some “Ginger-Cookie S’mores” and “Fresh Strawberry Lemonade” (page 22) for refreshments.
