July 2001

“Patrol,” Friend, July 2001, 39


What does the Father ask of us? … Live like his Son, help others on their way. (Children’s Songbook, page 35.)

To be a patrol at Hailey’s school, you must be responsible and be on the honor roll “lots of times.” A patrol does many things—helps the janitor clean up after lunch, helps other children when they need it, helps them be safe, stays with and comforts them when they’re hurt until other help can come, tries to stop them from hurting each other, is a good example, helps the kindergartners get to their classes, gets along with classmates.

Hailey said that her school is pretty safe but that patrols were taught what to do in unsafe situations. She said that she felt very good when she helped other people. When asked if she felt like she was trying to be like Jesus Christ when she was a patrol, she said, “Uh-huh, because the Savior would help someone, even if it was an enemy, and try to make him feel better. And He was an example to other people who didn’t believe that He was the Savior, and He healed people, like if they were blind.”
