“First-Place Pumpkin,” Friend, Oct. 2006, 45
First-Place Pumpkin
José, Juliana, Marcos, Mariana, Risa, Ricardo, and Arturo had a contest to see who could grow the biggest pumpkin. To help them remember which pumpkin was theirs, they tied ribbons of their favorite colors on the vines. Today, Mamá harvested the pumpkins so they can make pumpkin pie for family home evening. Before they choose which pumpkins to eat, use the following clues to find out who won the contest:
Juliana’s favorite color is dark pink.
Risa does not like purple or blue.
José does not like green.
Mariana’s pumpkin is the smallest.
Arturo likes solid colors, not patterns.
Marcos likes patterns, except for polka dots.
Ricardo’s favorite color is blue.
José’s pumpkin is next to Juliana’s.

Illustrated by Brad Teare