The Light Continued with Us
October 2006

“The Light Continued with Us,” Friend, Oct. 2006, 28–29

From the Life of President Wilford Woodruff

Adapted from Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff (2004), 217–18.

The Light Continued with Us

Wilford Woodruff
Events in the life of Wilford Woodruff

Illustrations by Sal Velluto and Eugenio Mattozzi

One autumn weekend, Wilford Woodruff traveled 20 miles to a nearby town to baptize a group of people. After the baptisms, he and his friends started the long journey home.

Wilford: We’d better head out quickly—it looks as if it’s going to rain.

They came to a river that had grown large and dangerous because of recent rain.

Friend: This looks too dangerous to cross.

Friend: Let’s search for a more shallow place.

As the group searched for a safer place to cross, a storm broke overhead. The wind started blowing hard, and rain poured down on them.

The group got more and more confused in the dark storm. Soon they couldn’t tell where they were going. They wandered through creeks and mud.

Wilford: This is dangerous, but I know Heavenly Father will help us.

Suddenly, the rain stopped and a bright light shone all around the group. It showed that they were on the edge of a cliff, and might have fallen off if they had gone any farther!

Friend: Where is that light coming from?

Wilford: I don’t know, but it’s showing us the way. I knew the Lord would preserve us.

The light continued with the group until they found the road. After that, the weather continued to be bad, but Wilford Woodruff and his friends didn’t care because they knew Heavenly Father was watching over them.

Wilford: Now we know that the Lord does not forsake his Saints in any of their troubles.

Friend: We truly have reason to rejoice!
