I Will Not Partake of Things that Are Harmful to Me
October 2006

“I Will Not Partake of Things that Are Harmful to Me,” Friend, Oct. 2006, 46

I Will Not Partake of Things that Are Harmful to Me*

I went to the movies with my friend, and she bought me a cold drink. When I asked her what the drink was, she told me that it was iced tea. I told her that I didn’t drink tea. She tried to convince me to take one drink, but I told her, “No, thank you.” Finally the movie started, and we enjoyed it without any more trouble. I’m glad I didn’t take the tea because I know that Heavenly Father gave us the Word of Wisdom.

  • * See My Gospel Standards, Faith in God guidebook, back cover.

Madeleine D., age 8, Alberta, Canada