“What to Do Now?” Friend, Oct. 2006, 48
What to Do Now?
You have become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What a wonderful choice you have made! What’s next? There are things you can do daily that will help you be happy, gain an even stronger testimony and understanding of the gospel, and come to know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ even better.
Pray. Try to pray on your knees morning and night. And remember—you can offer a silent prayer to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere.
Read the scriptures. Pray to understand them, and try to follow the righteous examples you find there.
Read the Friend. In this magazine you can read stories, do activities, find family home evening ideas, and look for the hidden CTR ring!
Show love for your family. And don’t forget to join in family home evening each week. This is a time you and your family can grow closer, learn about the gospel, play games, and share a great treat.
Keep the commandments. They are recorded in the scriptures and given to us by modern prophets, who speak for Heavenly Father.
Learn and live My Gospel Standards (printed in the Faith in God booklet; see also Friend, June 2006, 36). They will help you choose the right.
Keep your covenants—the promises you made when you were baptized (see Mosiah 18:8–9). Attend church so you can renew your covenants, learn, and build friendships.
Treat others kindly and serve them. You will feel the Savior’s Spirit with you when you follow His example.
Be happy! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and have a plan for you. That’s something to smile about!
Photograph by Craig Dimond, posed by modelw