Animal Riddles
April 2008

“Animal Riddles,” Friend, Apr. 2008, 34

Animal Riddles

1. I live within a group

That’s referred to as a pride.

I call out with a mighty roar

That travels far and wide.

I am a ___ ___ ___ ___ .

2. I’m large and gray and wrinkled—

Not a beauty, I suppose.

I have something called a trunk—

It’s actually my nose.

I am an ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

3. I’m dressed up very nicely

In stripes of white and black.

They cover my whole body

From the front end to the back.

I am a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

4. I have a neck that’s very long.

It reaches up quite high.

I can snack on treetop leaves

And watch the clouds roll by.

I am a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

(See answers on page 35.)

  • Answers: 1) lion, 2) elephant, 3) zebra, 4) giraffe

Giraffe illustration by Mark Robison
