Serving Others
April 2008

“Serving Others,” Friend, Apr. 2008, 16

Serving Others

Hamilton P., age 7, Utah

I went with my family to an orphanage in Mexico to help with some work projects. I helped by working in the garden, painting the bunk beds, and laying cement with my dad and brothers.

There are lots of helpers at the orphanage. Every day they make 400 meals and do 70 loads of laundry. They are just like our family only they have 124 kids. They are very happy and I had lots of fun playing with the kids.

When Jesus was on the earth He gave us the commandment to love others as He loves us. When I was at the orphanage I learned that when we follow this commandment we’re happy. I am thankful that I could go to Mexico and see that by following Heavenly Father’s commandments I will be happy.
