Friends in the News
September 2010

“Friends in the News,” Friend, Sept. 2010, 47

Friends in the News

Kelsi H., 6, Arizona, has a favorite color—pink! She likes going to church and school; playing with dolls; and spending time with her siblings, Allen, Kaylee, and Preston.

Ben and Ethan S., 7 and 4, Utah, enjoy Primary. Ben is a great big brother, student, and friend. He made a goal to read the Book of Mormon before his baptism. Ben likes soccer, reading, and skyscrapers. Someday he wants to be an architect. Ethan likes animals. He enjoys doing secret service around his home. When he grows up he wants to be a dad and a farmer or an architect.

Madeline T., 10, Oregon, helps her mom take care of her younger siblings—Braden, Dallin, Brooklynn, Ammon, and Landen. She likes singing, reading, drawing, and family home evening.

Quentin E., 9, Idaho, likes to read, especially scriptures. He has read the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants. This has helped him stand up for his beliefs while respecting others’ beliefs. He is a great example to his family and friends.

Vanessa W., 5, Illinois, is a good older sister to Audrey. Vanessa likes ballet, swimming, and drawing. She especially enjoys family home evening.

Jesse A., 6, Virginia, memorized all 13 articles of faith. He likes reading and riding his bike. His favorite scripture stories are about Nephi and his bow and Captain Moroni defeating Zerahemnah.

Albany Ward

The Albany Ward Primary of the Denham Springs Louisiana Stake went to the Baton Rouge Temple for a Primary activity. The children learned why the temple is a sacred place and listened reverently to a message from a member of the temple presidency. They enjoyed singing “I Love to See the Temple” and walking around the temple grounds.

Akaliea W., 4, Utah, likes making cookies, going to Grandma’s house, and singing Primary songs in the car. She also likes reading about other children in the Friend.

Crescent Park Fifth Ward

How many temples are there in the world? The children of the Crescent Park Fifth Ward of the Sandy Utah Crescent Park Stake found out. They put glow-in-the-dark stickers on a world map to mark each place where there is a temple. Then they turned off the lights to see how temples dot the earth!
