Friends in the News
February 2011

“Friends in the News,” Friend, Feb. 2011, 47

Friends in the News

Winchester Hills First Ward

The Primary children of the Winchester Hills First Ward, St. George Utah North Stake, learned about our prophets, listened to stories, and sang songs. They pulled sticks, practiced handwriting, and threw baseballs.

Tyler M., 3, Illinois, likes listening to Primary music. By listening to songs, he has learned the Articles of Faith and the names of the latter-day prophets. He looks forward to learning even more music.

Ryan S., 5, Georgia, likes going to church, reading the Book of Mormon, and singing Primary songs. He teaches his baby brother and helps at home. He also likes to play baseball with his friends.

Jena E., 6, Idaho, has a gift of compassion. She likes to give hugs, flowers, and pictures to the people she loves. She is a peacemaker in her family.

Garrett C., 8, Colorado, likes to play basketball and go to Cub Scout activities. He looks for chances to bear his testimony to his friends.

Hallie K. and Mckinley G., 8 and 8, Colorado and South Carolina, are cousins. They were baptized on the same day in Idaho. They are thankful that they got to share that special day with each other and with their whole family.

Rochester Second Ward

The Primary children of the Rochester Second Ward, Rochester Minnesota Stake, drew pictures for missionaries, helped clean the chapel and chapel grounds, and tied knots on fleece blankets for children in need.

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