Sisters Should Share
February 2011

“Sisters Should Share,” Friend, Feb. 2011, 18–19

Sisters Should Share

Marilla and Nicole P. of Cuzco, Peru

Like most sisters who are only 18 months apart, Marilia and Nicole P. of Cuzco, Peru, share a lot in common. Both of them love ceviche, a traditional Peruvian dish made with fish marinated in lime or lemon juice. They both say Lehi’s dream is their favorite scripture story. And if “How Great Thou Art” were the only hymn in the hymnbook, they would both be happy singing it over and over again.

Sharing a Testimony of Prayer

Another thing they share is a strong testimony that Heavenly Father answers prayers.

“I know the Church is true because when I pray, He answers,” says Nicole, who is 10. “When I ask Him for help, He helps me.”

Nicole tells about a time when her friend got very sick and the doctors decided to fly her to Peru’s capital city, Lima, because they didn’t know how to treat her. “I didn’t want her to go because she was my best friend,” Nicole says. “I asked Heavenly Father to bless her. He heard my prayer, and she was healed.”

Marilia, who is 11, says the reason she loves the story of Lehi’s dream is that when Lehi found himself alone in the darkness, he prayed “and the Lord answered.”

“I know the Church is true because I feel it in my heart when I pray,” she says. “God hears me, and when I request something, He answers.”

Another reason they both love that scripture story is because Nephi and Sam were obedient.

Sharing Differences to Help Family

For all of their similarities, these sisters have some differences too. At school Marilia enjoys science, while Nicole prefers math. Marilia likes to dance, sing, and ride her bike. Nicole enjoys volleyball and likes animals.

Marilia is fascinated with cooking. She likes to watch cooking shows on television. Nicole spends time serving others, and she is quick to forgive.

The girls use their own traits and talents to help their family.

Marilia and Nicole live high in the Andes Mountains with their mom and dad, two younger sisters, and a younger brother. A love for their family is one of the most important things the two sisters share. And just as Nephi and Sam shared a desire to be obedient and help their family, Marilia and Nicole hope that their similarities and their differences will bless their family.

Marilia’s Favorites

  • Favorite food: Ceviche

  • Favorite scripture: Lehi’s dream (see 1 Nephi 8)

  • Favorite hymn: “How Great Thou Art” (Hymns, no. 86)

  • Favorite subject in school: Science

  • Favorite pastimes: Singing, dancing, and riding bikes

Nicole’s Favorites

  • Favorite food: Ceviche

  • Favorite scripture: Lehi’s dream (see 1 Nephi 8)

  • Favorite hymn: “How Great Thou Art” (Hymns, no. 86)

  • Favorite subject in school: Math

  • Favorite pastime: Volleyball

At about 11,000 feet (3.4 km) above sea level, Cuzco is one of the highest cities in the world. The city is about 900 years old, making it one of the oldest cities in the Americas.

Illustrations by Denise Kirby; photographs by Adam C. Olson
