Daddy, Tell Him the Truth
April 2011

“Daddy, Tell Him the Truth,” Friend, Apr. 2011, 27

Friend to Friend

Daddy, Tell Him the Truth

From an interview with Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Seventy; by Megan Withers Roxas

Elder Dale G. Renlund

Be thou strong and very courageous (Joshua 1:7).

When I was a bishop, I sometimes took our four-year-old daughter, Ashley, along when I visited members in the ward. One day, I took Ashley with me to visit some less-active members of the ward. I knew that no one would be able to turn away this adorable little girl at my side. We arrived at one home and knocked on the door.

As soon as I knocked, I remembered that this was the home of a man who had once angrily thrown one of my counselors off the front porch. The man opened the door, and he was so big that he filled the entire door frame. I felt afraid, but I explained that I was the new bishop and was simply visiting ward members.

The man stood there glaring at me. Then Ashley blurted out, “Well, can we come in or what?”

I was surprised when the man said, “I guess so. Come in.”

When we were seated inside, the man told me he did not believe the Church was true, nor did he believe in Jesus Christ. He kept talking angrily while Ashley sat quietly playing with a toy. Finally she got off her chair, cupped her hand to my ear, and whispered loudly, “Daddy, tell him the truth.”

So I did. I bore my testimony because of the courage of a four-year-old girl. The man’s attitude softened, and the Spirit came into his home.

Children, be strong and courageous. Your faith and testimony will be a blessing to you and your family.

Illustration by Mark Robison
