Guide to the Friend
April 2011

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Apr. 2011, 48

Guide to the Friend

Possible Ideas for Family Home Evening

  1. Read “All the Way to Chicago” (pages 28–29). Discuss the importance of setting goals. Think of a goal you want to achieve as a family. What can you do to reach your goal?

  2. Use the Bringing Primary Home lesson and activity to learn more about this month’s Primary theme (pages 40–41). What blessings can you receive because of the Atonement? Read “The Beautiful Day” (pages 2–3), a true story about the blessings of the Atonement.

  3. Read “Testimony in Translation” (pages 8–9). Bearing testimony in front of a lot of people can sometimes be scary. But when you bear your testimony you can feel the Spirit. Invite the members of your family to share their testimony. Remember that the more you share your testimony, the stronger it grows!

  4. Recite the fourth article of faith. What principles and ordinances are mentioned? Why are they important? Use page 22 to learn more about the fourth article of faith.
