“Camille from New York City,” Friend, Oct. 2013, 20–21
Camille from New York City

Photographs courtesy of Camille’s family, except as noted; Statue of Liberty photograph © Getty Images; Come Forth, by Walter Rane, courtesy of the Church History Museum
Nine-year-old Camille has lots of friends. “The thing I really like about my friends is that they are all different,” she says. “They come from different places, and they have different ways of doing things.” Camille loves to learn good things from her friends, and she likes to share things with them. The best thing she’s ever shared with a friend is the gospel. After sharing the first article of faith with her friend Yailin, Camille invited her friend’s family to meet the missionaries. Camille also taught Yailin how to pray. Now Yailin and her mother are members of the Church.
My favorite songs are “I Am a Child of God” and “Families Can Be Together Forever.” My favorite scripture is Doctrine and Covenants 19:23: “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” This scripture always cheers me up when I’m sad.
My friend Yailin got baptized in 2011. I love that we can go to church together. I am helping her memorize the Articles of Faith. We’re working on the ninth article of faith.
My mom and dad are from the Dominican Republic. That’s probably why my favorite dish is rice and beans and chicken. It reminds me of where my family comes from.
There are five people in my family. My sister, Emily, is being baptized and confirmed in December. My brother, Victor, is named after my dad. I don’t have any pets yet, but I’m thinking of getting a turtle. I like turtles because they’re cute and they’re slow, so they won’t run away.
I love the story of Captain Moroni in the Book of Mormon. My dad read it in family home evening, and it inspired me to make my own flag. My flag reminds me of who I am and that Heavenly Father is always with me.