I Can Be a Missionary Now
October 2013

“I Can Be a Missionary Now,” Friend, Oct. 2013, 24–25

I Can Be a Missionary Now

I Can Be a Missionary Now

You don’t have to wear a nametag to be a missionary now. Whether you are sharing a Book of Mormon or telling your friends an experience you had at church, you’re being a missionary! Read about how others your age are sharing the gospel.

I have a friend who used to go to church, but now he doesn’t. I go over almost every Saturday and knock on his door and ask if he wants to go to Primary. He usually can’t come, but I always feel the Holy Ghost when I ask. Every once in a while he does come, and I’m pretty excited because I like to see him at church.

Joey B., age 7, Utah, USA

In school the fifth graders were going to have a talent show. I really wanted to do something, but I couldn’t think of anything. Then one day I thought, Why not do the Primary song “When I Am Baptized”? I asked my friend Rachel if she would sing it with me, and I would play the piano. She said yes, and at the talent show we got the biggest applause.

Abigail P., age 10, with Rachel M., age 11, Oregon, USA

I was saving up for a toy I really wanted. One of the Faith in God activities suggested that I start a savings account to save for my mission. I took my money to the bank and started my mission savings account. I will start saving for my toy again while adding to my missionary fund. I’m excited to go on a mission.

Michael O., age 8, Washington USA

One day when I was eating lunch with my friend Alaina, she asked me what the letters CTR stood for on my ring. I told her they stood for choosing the right. The ring helps me remember to “choose the right,” I told her. After lunch I felt the Holy Ghost because I was a missionary.

Alexis R., age 9, Arizona, USA

I am trying to be like Jesus by inviting my friend Bryson to church and reading Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants stories.

Isaac M., age 6, Illinois, USA

Our Primary presidency gave each of us a scripture bag with a set of scriptures inside. Since I already have my own set, I asked my mom if I could give the Book of Mormon to my best friend, who isn’t LDS. I feel good when I read the scriptures, and I want her to feel good too.

Olivia B., age 6, Ontario, Canada

Dallin M., age 6, Washington, USA

When I pay my tithing, I donate to the General Missionary Fund. I feel good donating to help the missionaries. It helps them go all over the world on their missions. I’m going to be a missionary someday.

Damon B., age 5, Utah, USA

I had just turned eight, and it was getting close to my baptism date. I asked my mom if I could invite my second-grade teacher to my baptism. My mom said, “Of course.” I wrote my teacher an invitation and gave it to her. She said she would love to come but had a family commitment on the same day. Even though she wasn’t there for my baptism, I felt happy that I had invited her. Maybe it would make her curious about my beliefs.

Paige G., age 9, Texas, USA

Last week our family talked about the gospel and the Book of Mormon with a technician who was at our house to make a repair. Before he left I gave him a Church DVD to take home and watch with his family. He seemed happy to learn more about the Church. The Spirit was very strong! I like being a missionary!

Amanda M., age 5, Arizona, USA

When I was eight I invited a friend in my class at school to a Cub Scouts activity. He is still coming now that we’re in Boy Scouts. He has been to church a few times now too. When I invited him, I didn’t know that his grandparents are members of the Church and in our ward. They had been praying a lot that he would be able to have some connection to the Church, and my invitation came as an answer to their prayer.

Michael M., age 12, California, USA

Anyone can be a missionary!

Turn to page 2 for more ideas on how you can share the light of the gospel.
