Dear Parents and Teachers
May 2014

“Dear Parents and Teachers,” Friend, May 2014, back cover

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Dear Parents and Teachers

How can we help children navigate a technology-filled world? See the topic “Media” in the column below to find stories and activities from this month’s Friend to help your family make wise media decisions. If you’re looking for uplifting media for your little ones, check out the videos section of friend.lds.org for new music videos of the sharing time songs.

Happy viewing!

The Friend

Family Home Evening Ideas

General Conference: Check out pages 13–17 to read about last month’s general conference. For full conference archives, visit gc.lds.org.

Trying to Be Like Jesus: Read President Eyring’s message (page 2) and watch a video of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” at friend.lds.org. Turn to page 31 and talk about ways your family can follow Jesus.

The Family Is of God: Celebrate moms this month by reading “What Was I Thinking?” (page 8) and making a card (page 12). Find other mom-related stories on pages 10 and 30. For more resources about God’s pattern of families, visit lds.org/go/FRMarriageandFamily.

Learn Something New: Explore the island nation of New Zealand on Bulletin Board (page 20). You can make poi, learn Maori words, and make spaghetti on toast! Don’t forget to cut out the figure on page 35 and read about Hyrum on page 36.
