Family Fun Time: Media Safety
May 2014

“Family Fun Time: Media Safety,” Friend, May 2014, 5

Family Fun Time

Family Fun Time

Media can be useful and fun, but it’s important to set rules. Read “The Rule Review” (pages 4–5), and then talk about some rules that will help your family.

Family Media Checklist

  • How do you know when media is good for you? How do you know when it isn’t?

  • What should you do if you see something that makes you uncomfortable?

  • Where can you keep electronics so everyone in the family can see and use them?

  • Where is it OK to use phones or tablets? Leave them off or leave them home when you go to school or church.

  • How long should you spend on the computer, tablet, or TV? Consider setting a timer to keep track of this time.

  • How will you make sure that media doesn’t distract you from homework, sleep, or chores?

Beware of Cyberbullying!

  • Never post or text anything you wouldn’t feel kind saying to someone in person.

  • Don’t pass along mean or embarrassing messages.

  • If someone writes something unkind about you, don’t respond. Tell a parent or trusted adult right away.

Stay Safe Online!

  • Never put your phone number or address online.

  • Don’t send photos of yourself to others without a parent’s help.

  • Never give your passwords to anyone except a parent.

  • Don’t reply to or open messages from people you don’t know.

  • Don’t download programs or apps without a parent’s permission.

  • Only visit websites, watch movies, or send messages that your parents would be OK with.

Banana Ice Cream

Try this fun frozen treat! Be sure to get an adult’s help. (Makes 4 servings.)

3 ripe bananas

3/4 cup milk

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

  1. Slice the bananas and spread the slices on a tray.

  2. Put the tray in the freezer for at least 2 hours. Let the bananas sit at room temperature for a few minutes before using.

  3. Put the frozen bananas, milk, and vanilla in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. You can also add peanut butter, chocolate syrup, or another favorite topping.
