Across the Country with the Friend
Jul. 2014

“Across the Country with the Friend,” Friend, Jul. 2014, inside front cover

Across the Country with the Friend

Kylie, Madalyn, Spencer, Alexis, Thomas, Kaitlyn, and Makenna H., ages 11, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 4 months, North Carolina, USA

This summer, our family went on a two-month cross-country road trip from North Carolina to California! We stopped at many places on the way. We read the Friend all along the way and liked taking pictures with it.

Before the trip, Spencer asked the missionaries for 10 copies of the Book of Mormon and some pass-along cards to hand out. We gave them to people like hotel employees and tollbooth attendants. Once Kylie got to take a Book of Mormon to the clerk at a gas station. He said he already had a Bible, so Kylie explained why the Book of Mormon is special. He said he would try to read it! Kylie says, “I loved traveling with my family, visiting relatives, seeing God’s beautiful creations, and being a missionary too!”
