Show and Tell
Jul. 2014

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Jul. 2014, 38–39

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

In our Primary presentation one year I played the piano for “I Lived in Heaven.” The next year I led the sign language for “I Love to See the Temple.” The next year my goal was to learn “If I Listen with My Heart.” I know the Lord gave me talents and I should develop them and use them to bless others—then my talents will grow. I know that I am a daughter of God and that Jesus Christ gave His life for me.

Luna Marisol I., age 8, Argentina

One night I had a bad dream. I didn’t know what to do. I got in bed with my mom, but I was still nervous. Then I decided to pray and sing my favorite Primary song, “A Child’s Prayer.” After that, I felt the Holy Ghost. I was able to go back to bed and fall asleep. I know that Heavenly Father sent the Holy Ghost to comfort me.

Olivia D., age 8, Georgia, USA

Every month, we make the three-hour drive to the temple with our parents. Before we go, we like to change the words to our favorite Primary song and sing, “I love to see the temple. We’re going on Saturday.” We know Jesus is happy when we go to the temple. We are trying to follow his example.

Caleb, Maelea, and Parker V., ages 6, 4, and 2, Wisconsin, USA

I have two pioneers in my family. My grandma was the first from her family to join the Church in France 40 years ago. It was not easy because her family and friends didn’t want her to. My great-grandma from the other side of my family was also the first of her family to join.

I am proud these two faithful women had the courage to follow the Spirit. I want to be as brave as them and follow the Spirit every day.

Jack T., age 7, Washington, USA

Ciomara S., age 8, Iowa, USA, and Hunter C., age 8, California, USA, are cousins who were baptized on the same day. Their grandmother was baptized too! It was a very special day for two families who had waited a very long time to see their grandma get baptized.

The Primary children in the Menlo Park Ward, Arizona, USA, made a temple out of blocks to learn about choosing the right. The children talked about choices and consequences. For each good choice, they added a block to their temple. Their good choices helped them complete their temple by the end of the year. They also visited the Mesa Arizona Temple.

Sam D., age 6, New Mexico, USA, is the oldest in his family, and he is a great example to his younger brother and sister. He loves reading the Friend with his family. He was inspired by Sister Chef on page 36 of the March 2013 issue and decided to make a cooking notebook and apron so he can learn to cook and prepare for his future mission. He is excited to be a missionary someday.
