Following in the Savior’s Footsteps
January 2016

“Following in the Savior’s Footsteps,” Friend, Jan. 2016, 2–3

From the First Presidency

Following in the Savior’s Footsteps

Adapted from “The Priesthood—a Sacred Gift,” Ensign, May 2015.

Let us follow in His footsteps. Let us live by His teachings.

When I was a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood, I was called to be secretary of my deacons quorum. I prepared the records I kept very carefully, for I wanted to do my very best in that calling. Doing all I can, to the very best of my ability, has been my goal in every calling I have ever held.

One day the bishopric asked me to take the sacrament to a man who could not leave his house. That special Sunday morning, when I knocked on Brother Wright’s door, I heard his weak voice call, “Come in.” I went into his humble home. His room was filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

I went to Brother Wright’s bedside and carefully placed a piece of sacrament bread to his lips. I then held the cup of water so that he could drink. As I left, I saw tears in his eyes as he said, “God bless you, my boy.” And God did bless me. He helped me appreciate the sacred emblems of the sacrament and the priesthood that I held.

Let us learn of the Savior Jesus Christ. Let us follow in His footsteps. Let us live by His teachings. Then we will be prepared for any service He calls us to do. This is His work. This is His Church. Indeed, He is our captain, the King of Glory, even the Son of God.

Pledge to Stand Tall!

These kids are strong and courageous in following Jesus. How will you stand tall this year? Send us your story or pledge!

Once I was in the car with my family. I heard a bad word in the song on the radio. I changed the channel to a nicer song. I think Jesus would do the same thing too.

Caitlin M., age 10, New South Wales, Australia

I will stand tall by choosing good things to watch and read and listen to. I can keep the commandments even when it’s hard.

Garrett Y., age 6, Utah, USA

Some special-needs kids were being teased and bullied, so I made some “no bullying” posters. It made me feel good to do something to help my friends.

Emma H., age 9, Arizona, USA

One Sunday I wanted to play with the iPad. But on Sundays our family tries to do things that bring us closer to Jesus. I decided not to play on the iPad. I felt good because I obeyed the Holy Ghost.

Jonas J., age 5, Utah, USA

Send Us Your Footprint!

  1. Trace your footprint on a piece of paper and cut it out.

  2. Write about something you have done or something you will do to stand tall in following Jesus and choosing the right. It can be something big or small.

  3. Send a photo of yourself and a parent or guardian’s permission. Use the permission statement on page 39.

  4. Send your submission to friend@ldschurch.org or to the address on page 39.

We’ll collect “standing tall” footprints through the end of October.

Following in the Savior’s Footsteps
