Show and Tell
January 2016

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Jan. 2016, 28–29

Show and Tell

The Valiant 9 Primary class of the Littleton Ward, Massachusetts, USA, prepares for the temple by bringing their scriptures to church each Sunday and by reading scriptures every day. They know that the scriptures help prepare us for the temple.

The Desert Ridge Ward Primary, Arizona, USA, had a scripture challenge to see how many chapters they could read in three months. They kept track of their challenge with a paper chain that stretched from the Primary room to the bishop’s office and back again!

One day I told my teacher about the things I learned in Primary and invited him to come to church. I feel happy that I shared the gospel!

Sindhu K., age 7, Karnataka, India

Our scripture study takes 10 minutes before school. My brother and I read five verses from the Book of Mormon, and then our mom explains it. Next we read a page from the Book of Mormon Stories. My little sisters are learning to read, so we help them. I enjoy this scripture time with my family.

Benjamin S., age 10, California, USA

My parents have taught my brother and me the importance of reading scriptures. To help me be reverent during the sacrament and think of Jesus, I read my scriptures.

Peyton B., age 8, Georgia, USA

I was really scared to get baptized because I don’t like going under water. My mom showed me a picture of a girl getting baptized who looked really happy, and we read articles from the Friend about baptism. My mom gave me a jar of gumballs and told me that every day she would talk about baptism and then I would get a gumball. I felt a little better about my baptism after that.

Arianna S., age 7, Alaska, USA

After breakfast our family reads the scriptures. The scriptures teach us to be kind and happy. Ridge, our puppy, sometimes listens too!

Violet and Desmond M., ages 5 and 4, British Columbia, Canada

When we read scriptures as a family, we sit in a circle. My mom reads, and then we talk about what we just read to help us understand it. I have been reading the scriptures myself using the chart in the Friend. When I read the scriptures, I feel wonderful!

Mara R., age 9, Washington, USA

How can you use the scriptures to help you through challenges?

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Friend Magazine, 2016/01 Jan
