Happy Sabbath: Getting Ready for Sunday
January 2016

“Happy Sabbath: Getting Ready for Sunday,” Friend, Jan. 2016, 32

Happy Sabbath

Getting Ready for Sunday

Do this activity with your family!

Imagine you were going on a trip to meet a very important person. What would you do to get ready? You might get nice clothes to wear, learn more about who you were meeting, or mark the day on your calendar. Heavenly Father has set aside one day a week to be a special day for us, called the Sabbath. For us, the Sabbath is on Sunday. It is a time when we can rest from work, worship Heavenly Father, and spend time with our families. We should get ready for Sunday just as we would get ready for any important day.

Have someone in your family close their eyes, point to a picture, and read the sentence out loud. Have someone else finish the sentence. Take turns pointing and answering. How many different answers can you come up with?

I can get my clothes ready for Sunday by …

I can help my siblings get ready for Sunday by …

I can help my parents get ready for Sunday by …

I can get my home ready for Sunday by …

I can get ready to take the sacrament by …

When I get ready for the Sabbath, I feel …

Happy Sabbath
