I Can Read the Book of Mormon
May 2016

“I Can Read the Book of Mormon,” Friend, May 2016, 27

I Can Read the Book of Mormon

I Can Read the Book of Mormon

This Month’s Scriptures

After you read a scripture passage, color the matching numbered areas on the heart!

  1. Alma 14:9–13, 17–28

  2. Alma 17:1–3, 13, 19–29

  3. Alma 17:31–39

  4. Alma 18:8, 16–21, 40–43

  5. Alma 19:1–8, 11–16, 27–36

  6. Alma 24:3–6, 17–18, 20–27

  7. Alma 26:1–3, 10–12, 35–37

  8. Moroni 7:1–3, 12–17, 41–48

The Pure Love of Christ

Charity is the pure love of Christ. We can show charity by serving and loving others. Ammon and his brothers showed charity when they shared the gospel with the Lamanties. (You can read this story on page FJ4). Look for another reading challenge next month!
