Show and Tell: Conference!
May 2016

“Show and Tell: Conference!” Friend, May 2016, 6–7

Show and Tell: Conference!

Show and Tell: Conference!

I liked Elder Johnson’s talk about resurrection and his daughter Alisa. She knew that because of Jesus Christ, she was already cured. Elder Johnson knows that he will see his daughter and mother and father again. That reminded me that because of Jesus Christ, I will see my Papa and Tata again one day.

Eden G., age 10, California, USA

I love being able to listen to Apostles, especially President Monson, President Eyring, and President Uchtdorf. I memorized the names of all of the Apostles so that when I see them, I recognize who they are. I like watching their talks with my family.

Lillian C., age 10, Idaho, USA

My favorite moment was seeing President Uchtdorf pat President Monson on the leg after the sustaining of Church officers. It made me feel good to see him do that because I love President Monson.

Joshua P., age 7, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

I love the prophets, I love to eat snacks while I watch conference, and I love to listen to the songs.

William P., age 5, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Josh, Aubrey, Scott, TJ, Christian, and Eli W., ages 16, 14, 11, 9, 6, and 4, Florida, USA, decided to watch conference on Saturday instead of playing outside. They even invited their neighborhood friends to come and play conference bingo with them. It was a hit! They came back the next day with even more friends.

Cole K., age 7, Utah, USA, has a disability that makes it so he can’t talk or understand things very well. He doesn’t usually watch TV. But when general conference comes on, Cole touches the faces of the Prophet or First Presidency on the screen. He has a special connection to them!

During conference, Adriana H., age 5, North Carolina, USA, wrote down words that stood out to her. The words she wrote were family, baptism, and missionary. “I feel peace when I watch conference with my family,” she said.

Sariah P., age 4, California, USA, went to the visitors’ center of the Los Angeles Temple to watch general conference with her family.

Here’s a model of general conference that Sebastian D., age 9, Utah, USA, built.

Alyssa K., age 9, Utah, USA, made a toothpick temple while listening to conference.
