Abraham Abraham and Me
July 2016

“Abraham Abraham and Me,” Friend, July 2016, 10

Abraham Abraham and Me

The temple is a special place!

Abraham Abraham and Me

One Friday night I went to do temple baptisms for the first time. I thought the temple would be a spotless place where I could feel the Spirit. I was not disappointed. When I first arrived, I saw my Papa Skip. He was working in the baptistry that night. He was dressed all in white. White tie, white jacket, white everything!

I was going to be baptized for a special ancestor with a fun name. His name was Abraham Abraham. I had never heard of anyone who had the same first and last names. I felt really good when I was baptized for him. I felt like he was happy to finally have a chance to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Before I was confirmed for Abraham Abraham, Papa Skip talked to me about the importance of being part of the Church. Temples provide opportunities for all of God’s children to become members of His Church. When we’re confirmed, we receive one of the best gifts in the whole world. When we are worthy, we get to have the Spirit with us! This means when we have choices to make, we should listen for the Spirit to help us make wise choices. It means I must listen for the Spirit to lead me instead of letting the world lead me.

I want to live my life so that someday I will get to shake Abraham Abraham’s hand and tell him how happy it made me to help him become a member of the Church.

When I left the temple, my mom asked me my thoughts about the temple. I said, “It was a great experience, and I want to go back again!”
