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July 2016
Table of Contents
Friends by Mail
Friend and Family
Xiulan J.
Scripture Figures
Peter and Curtis B.
Rowdy to Reverent
Bryant S.
How I Read the Friend
Emmie and Ian A.
Dear Friends
A Priceless Heritage
Henry B. Eyring
Mini Missionaries
Elizabeth Child
Family Night Fun: Friends and Missionaries
The Ducks’ New Clothes
Lenore F. Frodsham
Abraham Abraham and Me
James B.
Funstuff: A Holy Place
How are missionaries called?
Meet Elder M. Russell Ballard
M. Russell Ballard
Friends and Faith
Melissa Hart
Ryan the Unstoppable Reader
Jessica Larsen
Funstuff: Hidden Picture
Bulletin Board
Captain Moroni Was Brave
I Can Read the Book of Mormon
Picking Blackberries
Kevin S. Hamilton
Your Path to Heavenly Father
Olivia Corey Randall
No Matter Who You Are
Linda Davies
Show and Tell
Happy Sabbath: A Beautiful World
Question Corner: Parents Arguing
Music: When I Hear of Pioneer Children
Janice Kapp Perry
Clarence vs. the Champion
Lori Fuller
“Want to Come to Church?”
Emma K.
Funstuff: Detective Corner
Matt and Mandy
Stop and Flip
Friend Junior
For Parents of Little Ones
Bright Idea
Lemonade for Grandpa
Jennifer Maddy
Captain Moroni’s Flag
Coloring Page
Forever Brothers
Marianne Sorensen Lemon
“Coloring Page,” Friend, July 2016, FJ7
I Can Say I’m Sorry