Ben’s Buddies
April 2017

“Ben’s Buddies,” Friend, April 2017

Friends with Heart

Ben’s Buddies

Ben’s Buddies

Ben was born with multiple disabilities, so he can’t walk or talk. But he loves church and likes to play with his Primary friends.

Ben’s Chariot

Ben comes to church in a big chair on wheels called his chariot. His friends like to help push it. It’s a good place to hide objects when his class plays “Hot and Cold.”

Taking Turns

When it’s Ben’s turn to read scriptures, his friends take turns reading for him. When the class plays “Simon Says,” they help Ben move his feet when they march.

A Big Smile

When Ben’s happy, he smiles and moves his arms and legs. Everyone likes Ben’s favorite treat—chocolate pudding!

Praying for Ben

Once Ben had to have an operation. His buddies missed him and prayed for him as a class.

The Push of a Button

Ben uses a special machine to record his part in the Primary program. When it’s his turn, he just has to push a button and the recording starts playing!

Ideas for Being Friends

  • Always say hi and use your friend’s name.

  • Ask your friend any questions you have.

  • Make sure your friend gets a turn in games and other activities, even if you have to help.

  • Ask your friend’s parents what your friend likes to play and if it’s OK to help your friend move.
