For Parents of Little Ones
April 2017

“For Parents of Little Ones,” Friend, April 2017

For Parents of Little Ones

For Parents of Little Ones

Sundays may be a day of rest, but little ones don’t know it. They want to be just as busy as on any other day of the week. But there are still ways to help them have a holy and happy Sabbath.

It can be challenging to be the family activity director and find Sunday rest at the same time. Pray to know how you can draw your children closer to the Savior, and Monday morning will find your family stronger.

Here are some ideas:

  • Make a Sunday box filled with activities such as quiet games or puzzles made from pictures from the Friend. Search “Sunday box” at friend.lds.org for more ideas.

  • Go “hymning” (like Christmas caroling) to neighbors who may appreciate a visit. At Eastertime, you could sing songs about the Resurrection. Even the youngest members of your family can hum along.

  • Tell family members near and far how much you love them by visiting, calling, video chatting, or writing letters.

  • Have family journal time. Even three-year-olds can dictate to parents what they are thinking about and what is important to them. Pull out coloring supplies so they can draw in a journal too.
