At the Playground
May 2017

“At the Playground,” Friend, May 2017

At the Playground

At the Playground

Emilie pumps her legs back and forth. Swoosh! Her swing flies up into the sky. Emilie’s arms carry her across the bars. Whoosh! She makes it all the way across. Emilie’s feet hop through hopscotch. Hop, hop, hop! Emilie sees a girl sitting by herself. “Come play with me!” says Emilie. Sofia wheels over. Emilie and Sofia use their arms to play with a ball. They use their feet and arms to have a race across the playground. They smile and laugh with their mouths. Emilie is happy she made a new friend at the playground!

Your Healthy Body

Your Healthy Body

Heavenly Father wants us to take care of our bodies and keep them strong and healthy!

Take turns pointing to a picture and then doing something to move that part of your body.

Try these ideas: Do five jumping jacks. Hop on two feet. Hop on one foot. Lift a pillow over your head.
