Show and Tell
April 2018

“Show and Tell,” Friend, April 2018

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Children in the CTR 7 class of the Hyde Park 7th Ward, Utah, USA, love their Primary teachers, Sister Fern Jensen and Sister Stephani Pettingill. Sister Jensen just turned 90! The children love her stories about growing up, riding a sleigh to school during the winter, and paying 50 cents to ride an airplane. What do you love about your Primary teacher? Write and tell us!

I moved a year ago and haven’t made any good friends yet. I’m dealing with a lot of emotions, but I can still be kind to others—even if I don’t know them—because they might be having a hard time too.

Marian G., age 11, Colorado, USA

My family picks up new members of our ward to give them rides to church. We invite them to our home for family home evening, dinners, and holidays. We want the new members to feel welcome.

Maxwell and Amia H., ages 6 and 11, Norfolk, England

We are grateful that the gospel is the same all over the world! It takes four countries to make our stake, and we have church on Friday!

Eli and Adrena S., ages 3 and 5, Qatar

Me and my mom are memorizing scriptures to help us hold on to the iron rod. We know this will help us make it safely to the tree of life.

Eva S., age 7, Alberta, Canada

I try to be a good example for my brother because he does everything I do. I enjoy learning at school and about the gospel.

Nefi E., age 8, Santa Ana, El Salvador

I helped my family at our garage sale to earn money for a hearing aid for my grandma.

Braxton G., age 11, Utah, USA

I can clean for my mum.

Mer R., age 8, Ontario, Canada

I choose not to go to friends’ birthday parties when they are on Sundays. My younger brother was invited to his first friend party and was sad that it was on Sunday. He told me that he followed my example of keeping the Sabbath day holy, even though it was a hard choice.

John M., age 9, Texas, USA
