The Restoration and Me
April 2018

“The Restoration and Me,” Friend, April 2018

The Restoration and Me

The Restoration and Me

Illustrations by Adam Koford

The Restoration of the Church began when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ visited Joseph Smith in 1820. After that, other important things happened to bring Jesus Christ’s Church back to earth. Read these cards, glue them to paper, cut them out, and play a matching game.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith …

… and now I know They have bodies like me!

Joseph Smith translated the golden plates …

… and now I can read the Book of Mormon!

John the Baptist gave the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery …

… and now I can be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Peter, James, and John restored the Melchizedek Priesthood …

… and now I can have the gift of the Holy Ghost!

The Church was organized on April 6, 1830 …

… and now I can go to church!

Emma Smith collected songs for the Church’s first hymnbook …

… and now I can sing the hymns!

In the Kirtland Temple, Elijah gave Joseph Smith the keys to seal families …

… and now I can do family history and go to the temple!

The Lord commanded early Saints to pay a tithe of 10 percent …

… and now I can donate tithing and fast offerings!

Aurelia Rogers started the Primary Association to teach children in her neighborhood …

… and now I can go to Primary!
